Friday, June 24, 2016


Director:  Ananda Krishnan

Music:  Johan

Cast:  Shirish, Bobby Simha, Sendrayan

Arivu(Shirish) torturing a man tied to a chair demanding information about a gold consignment and then after very authentic sequences about chain snatching gangs the flashback opens.  Arivu is a reporter who with his friend Kumar (Sendrayan) works for a newspaper as a reporter.  Arivu’s father is a retired police officer, his mother (Thulasi) a housewife and brother Madhi (Satya) is a college student.  Madhi’s college sweetheart pesters him to buy a fancy bike and cellphone to match other rich students, but his father and brother cannot afford the brands he asks for and this causes him to take a drastic step into a crime which leads to tragic results for the entire family.

Bobby Simha as the rogue villain Guna has very little screen time, but makes his presence felt with his intense performance.  Much like Assault Sethu he is so much at home playing the baddie Guna that one wonders if that’s what he should do more of.  Shirish as Arivu has given a neat performance, be it in the sentimental scenes with his family or the close- to- life action scenes. 

Maya as Shirish’s girlfriend has a blink and you miss role while Thulasi has given another noteworthy performance as the boys’ mother.

‘Metro’ is good on the execution, but some glaring loopholes in the screenplay pull it down from becoming a great film.  The rise of Sathya as a criminal is well documented, but will his family be completely unaware of his changes.


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